CH LBK's Rebel and Proud The Unforgettable "Katie" CHIC

Breeder: Lacey & Luisma Benítez
Owner: Lacey & Luisma Benítez
AKC Champion
Reserve Winners Bitch Natioanl Specialty 2021
Health Tests
- NCL-A Cerebellar Ataxia: clear
- Hips: OFA Good
- Elbows: OFA Normal
- Cardiac: OFA clear by Cardiologist
- OFA Thyroid: Normal
- ALPP: clear
Explicit's Dark Horse
Ch Royal Courts Bound For Glory
Ch. Royal Court Winning Colors
Storytime's rock my world
Explicit's Hope On The Rocks
Royal Court Flying Colours
Storytime N Explicit's Pretty Girl Rock
Ch. LBK's Alpine Trick or Treat
BISS GCh. Bacardi Boy of Daft Raptors
WW EW Multi Ch. Don King Of Ring's
Big Star Of Fianna
Ch Alpine's Lonewolf I Walk The Line
Ch. Benmars Ring Master
Ch. Alpine's Isn't She Lovely