AKC CH LBK's Rebel and Proud Little Darlin' "Darla"

Breeder: Lacey & Luisma Benítez
Owner: Lacey & Luisma Benítez
DOB: March 24, 2022
AKC Champion
Health Tests
- NCL-A Cerebellar Ataxia: clear
- Hips: OFA Prelim Good
- Cardiac: OFA clear by Cardiologist
- OFA Thyroid: Normal
- ALPP: clear
GCH Mister Buffalo Pokerowy Zywot
MBIS MBISS GCHP Alpine's Highwayman
Ch. Benmars Ring Master
Ch. Alpine's Jamaica Me Crazy
CH LBK's Gone Rogue with Aiyana
MBIS MBISS GCHG Alpine's LBK Living on the Road DS CGC TKN AD
GCh. LBK's Party in the USA
Ch. LBK's Rebel and Proud Southern Comfort
BIS BISS AKC Multi Ch. Rebel Eric De Cans Juansa
BIS BISS Multi Ch. Fraja Ne Gold Ticket
Dania De Cans Juansa
Ch. LBK's MuleCreek Whiskey Lullaby
GCh. Alpine's Lonewolf Whisky River
BISS GCh. Lbk's Enuf Talk About Ruby Of Mulecreek