GCH LBK's Rebel and Proud Buckeye Blitz "Woody"

Breeder: Lacey & Luisma Benítez
Owner: Mary-jo McKinstry Morgan
AKC Champion
AKC Grand Champion
AOM STCA National Specialty 2023
Health Tests
- NCL-A Cerebellar Ataxia: clear by parentage
- Hips: OFA Good
- Elbows: OFA Normal
- Cardiac: OFA clear by Cardiologist
MBIS MBISS GCHG Alpine's LBK Living on the Road
GCh. Sbigstaff Enuf Is Enuf For Lbk
Ch. Alpine's Rio Grande
Ch. Castle Rocks Precious Gem
Ch. Alpine's Isn't She Lovely
JWW, JEW2010, GCHG Alpine's Ring Of Fire
Ch Sindelar's Sweet Child O Mine
GCh. LBK's Tiny Tunes
GCh. Alpine's Lonewolf Whisky River
Ch. Fraja Ec Blue River's Aldo
Ch. Alpine's Jamaica Me Crazy
Ch. LBK's Looney Tunes
MBIS MBISS GCHP Alpine's Highwayman
Ch. SnT's I'm Just A QT